iOSDevCamp Colorado: May 2-3 2014 in Colorado Springs
The fifth annual Colorado Springs iOSDevCamp is nearly here. We have a new location in downtown Colorado Springs, and there are still a few spaces left. Details and registration info are at your web site at As usual it's free, but please register if you plan on coming, because space is limited.
iOSDevCamp Colorado: May 4-5 2012 in Colorado Springs
For those of you who haven't heard yet, we're doing it again this year, and we've got a much better location. iOSDevCamp will be May 4-5. Friday night will be at The Enclave, Colorado Spring's premier coworking space, and Saturday will be at Fluke Networks.
Full details and registration info are at our web site, We're looking forward to seeing all of you again!
iOSDevCamp Colorado: April 29-30 2011 in Colorado Springs
It's that time again! Following last year's incredibly successful iPadDevCamp in Colorado Springs, we're holding iOSDevCamp on April 29-30, 2011.
This time around we're handling the event through our NEW WEB SITE at at All details and announcements will appear there. Thanks to Julio Barros for contributing the server space and setting up Drupal!
Looking forward to seeing all of you again!
iOSDevCamp Colorado: August 20-22, 2010 in Boulder!
It's ON! Gather with us in Boulder the weekend of August 20-22, 2010 for the official Colorado Satellite event of iOSDevCamp happening in Silicon Valley.
Hack-A-Thon Winners Here! : iOSDevCampCO Hack-A-Thon
The venue is once again at 1035 Pearl Street mostly on the 4th Floor (thanks to and the West End Plaza), but the conference rooms on other floors are reserved as well.
iOSDevCamp Sponsors
See the: iOSDevCampCO Schedule
Doug Grinbergs has posted his photos on Flickr from Saturday, and they're great!
The format will be similar to before:
Friday Evening Social
Saturday All-Day Un-Conference Sessions
10am - 5pm
Sunday All-Day Un-Conference Sessions & Hack-A-Thon
11am - 4pm
Oh, and one more thing...
The Colorado Hack-A-Thon Awards Ceremony will be held at the at the 29th Street Apple Store!
5pm - 6pm
Check out the preliminary schedule: iOSDevCamp Schedule
Let me know at ipdevcampco at
I look forward to seeing everyone here again, it's certain to be another great event!
Help us begin to gauge interest, sign up on the PreliminaryAttendees wiki page!
Thank you!!!
iPadDevCamp Colorado: April 2, 3 2010 in Colorado Springs!

Update (April 6): The extra copies of Apress's iPhone Application Sketch Book have finally arrived. If you attended iPadDevCamp Colorado and didn't get one, they will be available this week at NSCoderNight on Tuesday (today!) and CocoaHeads on Thursday April 8, both in Colorado Springs. NSCoderNight is at Panera Bread at Powers and Carefree, and CocoaHeads is at Panera Bread on North Academy between Woodmen and Briargate.
Update! Thanks to Ben Reubenstein of Xcellent Creations for sponsoring T-shirts for this event! T-shirts will use the design at right. If you've already signed up, please add your requested size on the PreliminaryAttendees page!
To mark the launch of the iPad we're holding the first iPhoneDevCamp in Colorado Springs: iPadDevCamp! This event will coincide with the launch of the iPad and will be the first iPad-focused software developer's event. The SF area iPadDevCamp has been rescheduled for later in April but we're still on for April 2-3, making this the first iPad developer event anywhere.
The format will be similar to previous events: Friday evening social/networking and Saturday all-day sessions. Sunday April 4 is Easter but if people are interested we may get together informally. We'll start at 7PM on Friday and 10AM Saturday.
On Friday night we will meet at the event location until about 8PM and then move to the Trinity Brewing Company for the rest of the evening. Trinity is at 1466 Garden of the Gods Rd. Directions from the event to Trinity:
The schedule is, as always, flexible, but we have lined up awesome presentations from the following people:
- Marcus Zarra, on ZSync
- Matt Long, Practically Practical Core Animation
- Bob Kressin on developing hardware accessories for iPhone
- Julio Barros on native vs. web apps for iPhone
- Kyle Richter on migrating existing iPhone apps to iPad
- Matt Martel, on making money on the App Store
- Erica Sadun, topic to be determined. Leave Suggestions.
The event is free and will be held at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, in the new Science and Engineering building, room B-216. Thanks to Bob Kressin of KS Technologies (and UCCS) for getting us this great space! Google Maps seems a little confused about the best way to get there, so we've uploaded a campus map showing directions from I-25. Parking will be free during the event. The map shows the building as a construction site but construction is complete and the building does actually exist!
Please add your name to the PreliminaryAttendees page so we can gauge interest and plan!
These events are a fantastic opportunity to meet other Colorado iPhone developers, learn tips and tricks, network, and recruit (or be recruited!).
Current sponsors include Cocoa is My Girlfriend, E-String Technologies, Atomic Bird, and KS Technologies. Apress has also kindly donated books to be given away. We have room for more, so please contact us if you'd like to sponsor this event!
Hope to see you there!
Xcode Project Download: WiFiWeather( )
* wirelessly download real-time temperature / humidity data to your iPhone and iPad)
* If you have an iPad, the wireless module is up-and-running - feel free to grab data from it right now. Just look for SSID WiFly-GSX-82 in this room.
This event is NOT affiliated with Apple, Inc. in any way. iPhoneDevCampCO is an all volunteer, not for profit ad hoc "Satellite" event of the main iPhoneDevCamp held in California.
iPhoneDevCampColorado: December 18, 19, 20th, 2009 in Downtown Boulder!
The conference room and kitchen space at 1035 Pearl Street (The West End Plaza Building) are reserved so put it on your calendar! We'll start around 7pm in the evening on Friday, and 10am in the morning on Saturday and Sunday.
Check out the Schedule Page for a history of what went on!
Please add your name to the PreliminaryAttendees page so that we can begin to gauge interest and plan accordingly, thank you!
We'll have as many as five different spaces available to do presentations, so if you're interested in signing up to present a topic or lead a discussion, by all means, please go ahead!
We'll almost certainly have a similar format to previous events: Friday evening social, Saturday all day sessions, Sunday sessions/hacking/fun/demos.
I'm wondering if we might try to do an iPhone-specific version of the "Half Baked" game from BarCamp on Sunday, where we'll pick random words from a hat and see if we can create apps for them.
This is always a fantastic opportunity to meet other Colorado iPhone developers, learn tips and tricks, recruit and be recruited.
Sponsors for this event so far include: Metafy LLC, Xcellent Creations, Inc., and hopefully your iPhone-related company! Companies contribute a small amount of money to cover expenses including meals, t-shirts, prizes, cleaning, etc.
Sorry, there's no actual camping!
Hope to see you there!
Note: We're also thinking about offering another IPDCTrainingDay, details TBD, but please let us know if you're interested!
This event is NOT affiliated with Apple, Inc. in any way. iPhoneDevCampCO is an all volunteer, not for profit ad hoc "Satellite" event of the main iPhoneDevCamp held in California annually.
Great Weekend Everyone!!!
Please stay in touch by signing up on the Google group mailing list.
We had talked about having more frequent hacking days, let's discuss it on the mailing list.
iPhoneDevCampColorado: July 31 - August 2, 2009
Will be held at ID345: 2936 Larimer St. Denver CO 80205
When: Friday July 31st, 7pm - 10pm, Saturday August 1st 10am to 7pm (and if enough people want to join, Sunday August 2nd 10am to 7pm)
Saturday August 1st Schedule:
9:30 Coffee/Bagels are to be provided
10:00 Demos
- Brent:twiltr
- Darwin:8bit
- Ben: Push Stuff
- Kendall:
- Tom: Radio/Audio
10:45 Break
11:00 - Inspire Session
- DavidC: App Store Readiness
- JohnC: Marketing Apps
- Brent:Slicker Than the average GeekApp (twiltr)
12:00 Lunch
- JohnC:Core Animation
- Brent:Data Persistence between views, Plist overloading
Tom:Device APIs including Vid/3GS
Kendall:XCode customization
3:00 More Demos!danceParty/sweet
- John C:iVote
- Chris:Make It Rain
- Danny:ShakeTheBooty
- Brent:Interface Builder Tricks
- John B: Web Service consumption
- Brian: Map Kit
7/29/2009 - Latest Update:
6/16/2009 - A new CocoaHeads chapter is forming in Denver -
4/20/2009 - Just read about the upcoming August 2009 iPhoneDevCamp 3 and of course we'll be honored to have a Satellite event here in Colorado!
Welcome to iPhoneDevCamp Colorado!
As promised, to help keep folks connected, announce future events and otherwise facilitate our fun, we've started a Google Group for iPhoneDevCampCO, you should be able to sign up at : and I'll send out invites at some point soon, don't hesitate to let us know if you have any trouble with it.
2/23/2009 THANK YOU! To everyone who attended and presented at iPhoneDevCamp Colorado #3. Based on the vibe during the weekend and the feedback I've received, it appears that it was a successful event with dozens and dozens of folks (Danny counted 40 at one point on Saturday) able to learn about the platform, meet other developers and have a great time. Again, THANK YOU to everyone who helped make it possible, with an added special thanks to Danny for opening up the warehouse space, and on a personal note, letting me crash at his place in Denver for the weekend. I look forward to seeing what comes out of this weekend's event and hope to see everyone again next time! -Joe
2/16/2009 UPDATED: Check out the outline for the Friday IPDCTrainingDay event, and purchase your ticket via the EventBrite link, more than half the tickets are now sold, so if you want to attend, please register ASAP!
iPhone Dev Camp Colorado #3 Details:
Who: The third gathering of Colorado iPhone developers
What: iPhoneDevCamp Colorado, a satellite of iPhoneDevCamp San Francisco
Where: ID345 co-working space, 2936 Larimer, Denver (NOTE: YOU MUST PLEASE USE ALLEY ENTRANCE BEHIND BUILDING, SORRY)
When: Friday February 20th 7pm - 10pm, Saturday Feb 21st 10am to 7pm
Why: To help continue to build the community of iPhone developers in Colorado
How: Part BarCamp-style un-conference led by the audience, part structured event and even a hack-a-thon contest! Plus, added day of paid training on the Friday (2/20) beforehand.
1/28/2009 MORE UPDATES COMING SOON - We have some great things shaping up for this next event, stay tuned for details. Today we're adding the PreliminaryAttendees page, so please start signing up if you plan on being there. We're also exploring the possibility of offering a full day of paid training on the Friday before (2/20), if that's something you'd be interested in attending, please sign up on the IPDCTrainingDay page so that we can gauge the potential for offering it. There's no obligation just by signing up on the page, but if we are able to offer it, there will be a fee to attend so that we can pay the teachers and cover other incidental costs, and of course the more people who attend, the lower we can make the fee.
The current anticipated schedule for both is:
Friday 2/20 : All day training (tentative) 10am - 6pm
Friday 2/20 : iPhoneDevCamp CO #3 Kick-off Social / Un-conference schedule planning, 7pm - 10pm
Saturday 2/21 : iPhoneDevCamp CO #3 Un-conference 10am - 6pm
[final schedule subject to change, but these are roughly the times we're thinking as of now]
Save the Date! : Fri Feb 20 / Sa Feb 21, Denver, Colorado - we're a go at Danny's id345 co-working space on Larimer in Denver. Look forward to seeing everyone there! More details to follow.
February iPhone Dev Camp Colorado?
Due to popular request that we have another iPhone Dev Camp in Colorado, we're thinking of maybe trying again for sometime in February...sound good to folks? If so, how about Friday evening Feb. 20th and Saturday Feb. 21 during the daytime? Let me (Joe) or Danny know via or any of our other e-mail addresses. THANKS! Look forward to meeting new folks and seeing what iPDC alumni have been up to! [PS - The 1st question is about where it would be held, and since the last one was in Boulder, seems like it would make sense to go back to Denver for the next one, also so it's most convenient for folks from around the state.]
Alert! December 12+13, 2008: Boulder CO
iPhone Developers Meetup
We are going to do another meetup, this time in Boulder. We will be doing a Friday night meet and greet on the Dec 12th and then a full day of awesomeness on the 13th. Please send a quick RSVP email to dnewman AT gmail DOT com. Any additional questions, email me!
LOCATION: 1375 walnut #010, Boulder, CO
December 12th: 7pm - 9-pm
December 13th: 10am - 5pm
Alert! September 1, 2008: 6:00pm, 2930 Larimer
iPhone Developers Meetup
Thats right folks, we are turning this into a monthly meetup. We are going to do the first Monday of every month (we will see if that works for everyone). If you have any suggestions for topics/presenters for this first one, email me! Pizza and beer will be served of course.

8/3/08 - Wow, thanks to everyone who turned out and made the event such an overwhelming success. I want to thank everyone who attended, what a remarkably talented crowd of people we had! Also, our fantastic presenters, Brent Simmons, Bill Dudney and Erica Sadun, thank you for giving us such high quality content and being accessible to attendees. And let's not forget our Sponsors: NewsGator, Useful Networks, EffectiveUI and Double Encore, a big thank you for helping to cover the expenses. We're not done yet! Thanks to the main event organizers in San Francisco (Dom, Raven and Chris) for including us in the event and competition and linking us in via video conference, it was fantastic to see all the other satellite events on the big screen. Finally, I'd like to add a personal note of thanks to Danny Newman who not only handled all the logistics, he also provided the space, and is a lot of fun to work with! THANK YOU EVERYONE! -Joe
PS - Let's do it again, eh? Also, if you have not given us your contact info, or shirt size!, please drop us a note and let us know how to reach you so we can keep you in the loop for next time, too!
PPS - So, yeah, if you missed it, you missed out (thanks to Danielle and Tom for their photos)! But you can see the app that was developed on Sunday (in about 5 hours) "Hum It For Us" -- a revolutionary new application that can recognize a song just by humming it -- in action hopefully coming soon to an appstore near you!
For those who missed the scramble of development Sunday, here is a quick summary. The team assembled an iPhone App called Hum it For Us and you can check it out here: If you worked on the app, shoot your name and blog/company link to and we'll get your name added to the contributors list. Thx to everyone for coming, and huge thanks to Danny Newman and Joe Pezzillo for making this weekend happen.
Note from Dave Batton: To anyone who attended that didn't already get a complimentary Inspire Me license, just shoot me an email your full name. I'll send you a free license. I started work on the iPhone version Sunday and hope to have it available on the store later this month!
HELP: I need some help prepping the space Thursday or Friday. Please email me if you can swing by!
Who: The first gathering of Colorado iPhone developers
What: iPhoneDevCamp Colorado, a satellite of iPhoneDevCamp2 San Francisco
Where: ID345 co-working space, 2936 Larimer, Denver
When: Friday August 1st 7pm - 10pm, Saturday 10am to 10pm and Sunday 10am to 6pm
Why: To help build a community of iPhone developers in Colorado
How: Part BarCamp-style un-conference led by the audience, part structured event and even a hack-a-thon contest!
7/31/2008: Updated Speakers Page, we now also have Bill Dudney who literally wrote the book on Core Animation doing a session on Saturday, too, whoohoo!
7/31/2008: Thanks to all the Sponsors for helping make the event happen, we're beginning to feature them in the side bar to the right.
7/29/2008: We're finalizing plans now and will have more details up shortly. In answer to one question that we've been getting a lot, "All presentations will only cover publicly available information" but of course that still leaves plenty for us to talk about!
Friday: 7 - 10pm : Informal get together, introductions/introductory sessions
Saturday: 10am - 9pm: Morning: Keynote, Afternoon: BarCamp style un-conference, Evening: Demos/Social
Sunday: 10am - 6pm: Morning: Work on Hack-a-thon apps, Afternoon: Hack-a-thon contest (apps from Denver due by 2:30pm Mountain Time)
7/23/2008: Added Speakers Page to showcase our first announced speaker: Brent Simmons, creator of NetNewsWire, will be in Denver and attending iPhoneDevCamp Colorado, and he's graciously agreed to make a brief presentation.
7/22/2008: Just got off the phone for this week's organizer's conference call, and they have more than 500 people signed up in SF. Between the wiki signups and the Facebook page, we seem to have about 30 people signed up here, now, too! More news to come soon, including sponsors, speakers and other details.
7/15/2008: On the phone with the organizers in San Francisco, they're over capacity, so sign up with a satellite now!
7/8/2008: This event is confirmed for Friday August 1st through Sunday August 3rd, 2008 at the id345 co-working space in Denver. Just got off the call with the organizers, there are more than 400 people signed up in San Francisco. We'll be part of the keynotes and participating in the Hack-a-thon for which local developers will be eligible for prizes and visibility!
If you are interested in attending, please add your name to the PreliminaryAttendees list so that we may start to get a rough count and determine the best location. If you prefer, there's also a Facebook Event page and Event entry where you can RSVP.
This is a satellite event of iPhoneDevCamp2 in San Francisco on the same dates. We are planning on being able to watch the keynote from SF live Saturday morning, and participate in the "Hack-a-thon" presentations on Sunday afternoon via videoconference. It is anticipated that the event will be part structured and part BarCamp-like un-conference, very hands-on, and offer something for every skill level.
Here are the rules for the Hack-a-thon competition:
Interested Sponsors for the event are encouraged to contact Daniel Newman in Denver or Joe Pezzillo in Boulder via
Like the San Francisco counterpart, this event is in no way affiliated with Apple, Inc.
Other Satellite Events:
iPhoneDevCampIndia - we will connect with IPDCIndia late Friday and late Saturday evening/night by videoconference!
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